Avoiding failures in your motor equipment is a key aspect of ensuring a long and healthy life of your equipment and your business.

We all know that Squirrel Cage Induction Motors are often simple and trouble-free. With this, they are not immune to failures.

You can take steps to avoid these problems. You need to learn to anticipate these problems and how to fix them. When you do, you will be on your way to happy customers and a flourishing business.

Let’s go over some of the more common problems and solutions.

The Problems to Look for

Motors, by their nature, will fail. Any sort of moving parts will wear down. Wear and tear will be inevitable, so here is how to become prepared.

1) Excessive Starting

All lifespans of motors are dependent on their number of uses and starts. Wear and tear due to years of usage is common and inevitable.

2) Long Starts

When you start a motor with a large inertia load, it can cause unneeded strain on the motor. This leads to long-term damage.

3) Broken Bars

Wear and tear can run down a motor. Most failures, though, are often caused by breaks in the rotor bars.

The breaks are common inside the slot section, where the end ring joins the bar, and when the bar enters the core.

4) Ring Rotors

Breaks in the rotor winding that causes it to slip from its place. This is usually caused by a welding failure.

5) Bearing Failures

Bearing failure is often caused by overloading an already taut belt. It can also come from axial impacts and stresses.

Simple Solutions

Fixing a Squirrel Cage Motor can be a simple process if you are wary of these common failures.

While assembled, your customers will need a repair shop. You can identify which failure may have occurred with a thorough inspection.

When repairing induction motors such as these, there are a few things you need to know about the motor itself.

  1. Length of time the machine had been in service.
  2. Number of starts
  3. Speed torque curve of load
  4. Load inertia
  5. Serial numbers and other identifying data

From there, replacement of the damaged or worn parts would be best for the long-term life of the motor. Brazing is another cheap method to fix broken bars, but it will not fix long-term problems.

Remember to replace any copper bars with oxygen-free or silver-bearing copper.

Another method would be to use alloy bars. You will need to shape them to better support centrifugal forces. This will be best in a T Shape.

Remember to check rotor alignment after any and all repairs. This ensures more hazardous problems don’t surface immediately.

Getting the Most out of Squirrel Cage Induction Motors

Much of this advice can apply to all sorts of motors. Squirrel Cage Induction Motors are the focus because of their simplicity and ease.

Going forward, it is good to remember that the strength of repair in industrial industries. We provide a platform to keep progress moving forward.

There is nothing broken that we cannot fix. For all questions and comments, please contact us.

Electrical Apparatus offers a number of custom services built to suit your repair needs
Low voltage high power squirrel cage motor